Our guest on this week’s episode is Jeff Carrillo from Tarillo Vue.


Over the past few years, Jeff has used drones to do creative work and inspection work for clients in many industries. One of the services he specializes in is drone thermography.


During the episode, Jeff talks about how he got started with his business, how he learned how to do thermography, and some of the cool projects he’s worked on.


If you’re interested in learning more about how drones are being used to conduct thermal scans for roof inspections, wildlife surveys, and more, you don’t want to miss this episode!


After you listen to the episode, you can click here to play this week’s 2 truths and a lie game for a chance to win a prize: https://dronelaunchacademy.typeform.com/to/IkItIHmG


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Drone Launch Academy has helped over 40,000 drone pilots learn how to fly drones, pass the Part 107 Exam, and learn the skills they need to start making money with drones.

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