Our guest this week is Joe Morgan from Eyes Above Texas Imagery.

Joe’s been a Part 107-licensed drone pilot since 2017.

Since then, he’s gained tons of experience in the drone industry. He’s skilled in photography & videography, mapping & photogrammetry, and inspection work.

Over the past several years, Joe’s built a reputation as a safe and professional drone service provider that always delivers quality work.

To hear all about Joe’s drone work and his advice for aspiring drone business owners, give this week’s Drone to $1K Podcast episode a listen!

And don’t forget to play our 2 truths and a lie game for a chance to win one of this week’s prizes: https://dronelaunchacademy.typeform.com/to/D92UH9Un

And if you want to join Drone Launch Connect for just $1 for your first month, just click here: www.dronelaunchconnect.com


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Drone Launch Academy has helped over 40,000 drone pilots learn how to fly drones, pass the Part 107 Exam, and learn the skills they need to start making money with drones.

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