Drone Launch Academy's First Client Club & $1K Club


Starting and building your own drone business can be difficult…

Which is why we want to make sure that we recognize and celebrate our students’ hard work and successes as they build and scale their businesses.

As the name implies, the First Client Club recognizes one of you first big wins as a drone business owner: landing your first paying drone job.

If you’ve landed at least one paying drone job, then congratulations! You qualify for the First Client Club!


When we released our comprehensive drone business program, it was originally named Drone to $1K. The goal of the Drone to $1K Program was to help our students start and scale a drone business that made at least $1,000/month.

After we saw how much money our students were making after going through the program (well over $1K/month for some of them), we decided to rename the program to Drone Business Mastery.

Why are we telling you all of this?

Well, we wanted to create a club that paid homage to the original name and goal of the program. SO, we created the $1K Club.

The $1K Club is for all of our students who have reached the milestone of making at least $1K/month with their drone business!


First Client Club members will get…

  • one of our super soft tshirts with the First Client Club logo on it,
  • a shoutout on an episode of our Drone to $1K Podcast,
  • a shoutout in an upcoming email to our community of over 60,000 drone lovers,
  • a feature on our website (we’ll include a short bio about you and your business), and
  • a First Client Club badge that you can put on your website.


$1K Club members will get…

  • a super soft tshirt with the $1K Club logo on it,
  • an official $1K Club plaque with your name on it,
  • a shoutout on an episode of our Drone to $1K Podcast,
  • a shoutout in an upcoming email to the Drone Launch community of 60,000+ drone enthusiasts, and
  • a $1K Club badge that you can include
    on your website.


How to Use Your $1K Club Badge

Once you let us know that you qualify for the First Client Club, we’ll send you an official First Client Club badge. You can use this badge on your website and other marketing materials.

If you include the First Client Club badge on your website, the hyperlink should point back to Drone Launch Academy’s list of First Client Club members (note: link forthcoming). This will allow prospective clients and employers to verify your First Client Club status.


How to Use Your $1K Club Badge

Once you let us know that you qualify for the $1K Club, we’ll send you an official $1K Club badge, which you can use on your website and other professional marketing materials.

If you’re using the $1K Club badge on your website, the hyperlink should point back to Drone Launch Academy’s list of $1K Club Members (note: link forthcoming). This allows prospective clients and employers to verify your $1K Club status.

Ready to join the First Client Club?

If you’re a Drone Launch Academy student who has landed at least one paying drone client, please let us know by completing this quick survey.

Ready to join the $1K Club?

If you’re a Drone Launch Academy student who has made at least $1,ooo in one month with your drone business, please let us know by completing this quick survey.

Have any questions about the First Client Club or $1K Club? Please email us at support@dronelaunchacademy.com.